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Organically grown butternut squash

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Being off the grid means being miles away from shops, away from supermarkets and then there is just the fact that your own home grown produce just tastes better and is more nutrient dense, apart from not consuming all the chemicals and additives in commercially bought vegetables. 

These butternut squash  have been the easiest things in the world to grow - I would definitely grow this type again, and frequently, as they have been rich, tasty and sweet and full of flavor.   They were grown on the remains of a compost pile - practically the dregs of it when we shifted the compost and left a wee bit of soil there.  We tossed the seeds in and away they went, no upkeep, no extra feeding, just watch, admire and pick and eat.  The only attention they had was to toss on a few handfuls of grass clippings from time to time and we have had a very dry summer. 

 This is only a small basket of what we had left in the pantry after eating about another 6 .

Compost is one of the greatest ways to get your garden and food producing patch up and running fast - if your soil's depleted then everything in it will be struggling to make enough nutrients and if the veggies have little nutrient  what we end up consuming will be lacking in nutrients too. 


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