Wild and tangled vine that caught our attention Ever gone past something a few times and not seen the potential ? Suddenly spotted it in a different way ? suddenly it wasn't just an artistic photograph just waiting to happen, suddenly it wasn't just a vine to trim but potential weaving material - know what I mean ? this has almost woven itself - how hard can it be ? Now I am no weaver - in fact the weaver in the family has taken a definite disinterest in my many hints ! How hard can it be ? The vine has practically woven itself - all I need to do is to trim if off and loop it together - surely ? Artistic, twining vine just begging to be made into something Well apparently, it is not quite so easy as I thought it would be - after looping it this way and that my weaver disinterested party is now pretty interested to see how a non basket weaver will attack this wee problem and exactly how the finished product will look. I can see him ...
Ever thought about generating your own electricity ? Growing your own food, living sustainably ? Maybe keep a chicken or two and some animals ? Living off the grid may not be for everyone but for enthusiasts its the bees knees and you don't need to go totally off grid to become a part time urban farmer.