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Alternative Living Quarters - Yurts, Tipis and Building your own

Natural Alternatives for You and Your Home: 175 Recipes to Make Eco-Friendly Products   Green from the Ground Up: Sustainable, Healthy, and Energy-Efficient Home Construction (Builder's Guide) Energy Efficient Homes For Dummies

             Houses and homes interest me. 
They always have, just as well too as I made my living selling them, renting them and renovating  them but I have always hankered after a Yurt or Tipi - something I have yet to persuade my other half is a great idea and he screams with laughter every time I broach the subject  :)

 I have on my bookshelves, a stack of "alternative " living books, green homes, the odd "shack" and shed book, holiday home manuals as well a a few files stashed with leaflets and brochures about Tipis, Yurts, log cabins and whatever, on how to create your ideal green and sustainable home.  

These have been carted around from move to move until we moved to the country when we discovered that you just don't need all the trappings we used to think were essential. 

We are now interested in more natural homes - the home that reflects your lifestyle is far more important than having the latest and greatest. 

As our home is an expression of ourselves it makes sense that if we think green, we want our homes to reflect that.  Why install a wastemaster when you can have a compost heap and recycle your waste instead of adding to the landfill ? 

So whether you are looking for temporary shelter, a permanent home or whatever, thinking about how it will reflect your current values and beliefs will mean that your home will reflect that too. 

The Indian Tipi: Its History, Construction, and Use
The Complete Yurt Handbook Yurts: Living in the Round Build a Yurt A Handmade Life: In Search of Simplicity The Beauty of Straw Bale Homes Strawbale Home Plans


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