Home made wine brewing, Green Grape, Blackberry, Feijoa and Apple Cider vinegar We have recently moved house complete with the newly made wine sitting fermenting in its bottles complete with airlocks fitted to keep out insects. The wine is still bubbling away nicely and we have invested in several more glass carboys so we can siphon the wine off to leave the dregs or finished yeast that has settled in the bottom. Make Your Own Delicious Homemade Wine To our intense disgust the wind whips across the valley and almost rips the plants out by the roots and we have found our new neighbours have a taste for anything - especially green but anything will do and my Bromeliads next to the fence have "chomp" sized pieces missing as they grazed along. Wind power here would not be a problem ! New Neighbors Three of the flock were here when we discovered their fondness for our plants - just as well the rest of the flock weren't in the same paddo...
Ever thought about generating your own electricity ? Growing your own food, living sustainably ? Maybe keep a chicken or two and some animals ? Living off the grid may not be for everyone but for enthusiasts its the bees knees and you don't need to go totally off grid to become a part time urban farmer.